Jeevan Hai Baraf Ki Naiya

Jeevan Hai Baraf Ki Naiya

LIFE is a Boat of Ice…it’s bound to melt and merge with the Ocean

Life is uncertain, but death is certain.

In fact, only death is certain.

Life is the primary cause of death.

Death is just another step in the continuous process of Life and Death.

Death leaves behind a trail

Of loss, of grief, of helplessness

Death causes pain,

Death causes fear.

Death is so scary, that people avoid it…

Thinking about, talking about it.

Everybody dies though….

Sooner, or later.

Some die even before they are born…

Some die in the prime of their youth,

And some die at a ripe old age.

Some die knowing there’s life on the other side.

Some die peacefully in their sleep and

Some lives end in an unnatural, unfortunate, untimely manner.

Some fear death and die every moment of their lives,

While others are too busy living to even think about death.

Some die with honour and greatness,

And when some others die, nobody even cares.

Some would rather die than sacrifice their values,

And there are others who die because they don’t feel valued.

But one thing is clear….No matter when or how we die,

We all know for sure, that once we are born, death is inevitable.

Death is the only certainty.

Death is the only given.

Now that we are clear and aware that we are temporary guests here on earth,

Let’s make the most of our time in the IIM of Life and Death.

IIM Earth- Intergalactic Institute of Mankind!

Yes! We all need to congratulate ourselves on being eligible to attend Earth School!!

The toughest, most challenging of them all!

Lots to learn here….

Let us learn to live consciously,

Let us spend our days here loving everyone.

Let us spend our time doing what gives us joy,

And through that, spread joy.

Let us stop being slaves to greed,

Let us stop taking more than what we need.

Let us discover the joy of giving,

Let us discover the lightness through forgiving.

Let’s not try to add more moments to life,

But let’s try to add more life to every moment.

(I know we’ve all heard that many times before

But today I could feel it)

Because I realise, that we all have just a few moments…

We’re all just temporary guests…

We will all soon be alumni of this great school, called Earth!

Nirupama Rao

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